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20 Reasons Why Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There

20 Reasons Why Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There Have you ever attended a chamber event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you think you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership…

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15+ Questions to Identify Your Ideal Client

15+ Questions to Identify Your Ideal Client If you are in a client services business (especially one where your clients might return over and over), one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is to understand who you want to work with and who aligns with your skills and…

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Sizzling Summer Strategies to Boost Sales

Sizzling Summer Strategies to Boost Sales Whew! Can you feel it? The unofficial start of summer is here. Summer is a season of change for many small businesses. School’s out, vacations are in, and customer behavior shifts as people embrace the warmer weather and longer days. For some businesses, it’s a time of enormous revenue;…

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Simple Tips to Improve Your Time Management in the Workplace

Simple Tips to Improve Your Time Management in the Workplace By taking control of your time, you’re able to stay focused on the task at hand. This leads to higher efficiency since you never lose momentum. Implementing a time management plan can do wonders not only for your working environment but also to you personally.…

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Should I Use AI For My Business?

Should I Use AI for My Business? AI is certainly the “Belle of the Ball” these days but it’s also coming under scrutiny. It can save businesses a lot of time, but many professionals are afraid of what the adoption might mean. Is it right for you and your business? First, unless you are off…

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Efficiency Versus Effectiveness

Efficiency Versus Effectiveness How do you like to work? Are you a speed or precision person? Do you like many small projects or one big, long one that you can dig into? No, you’re not in the middle of a recruitment fair. These are simply questions that most self-aware professionals should know about themselves and…

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Dealing with Angry Customers When You’re Short-Staffed

Dealing with Angry Customers When You’re Short-Staffed The scene is a common one these days. Lines of people waiting to pay in a restaurant, retail establishment, or grocery store. Tempers flare. Customers yell at staff and wonder why there’s only one person checking people out. Your staff thinks, “Who needs this?” and they’re not wrong.…

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Courting the Millennial Customer

Courting the Millennial Customer If you are in a traditionally “cool” business, like a coffee shop, Indy bookstore, or juice bar, it’s likely you have scads of skinny jeans-wearing hipsters hanging around your store. But if you’re reading this article, most likely you don’t but you know you need them. There are roughly 75.3 million…

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Be Unforgettable: How Business Owners Can Standout at Networking Events

Be Unforgettable: How Business Owners Can Standout at Networking Events First, you’re probably thinking if everyone in the chamber (and beyond) reads this article and follows the advice here, no one will be unforgettable because we’ll all be following the same instructions. But in the words of the famous Dr. Seuss, “There is no one…

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Anatomy of a Blog Post

Anatomy of a Blog Post Want a sure-fire way to get more traction on your business blog posts? Make sure each post contains these important pieces. Many small businesses are starting to realize the importance of good content. But what makes content good? Better yet, what makes for great content? While it starts with something…

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